Coronary artery disease incidences have declined by nearly 20 percent in the U.S., according to latest research findings. Although there has been a great emphasis on lowering risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD), which include blood pressure and blood lipids, the outcomes of these recommendations have been unknown.
The researchers of the study pooled individual patient-level data from five observational cohort studies and created two analytic data sets.
The study included characteristics of 14,009 pairs of participants in the two groups.
The authors wrote, “Examination of adults from five large observational cohort studies led to several findings. First, the incidence of CHD [coronary heart disease] declined almost 20 percent over time. Second, although the prevalence of diabetes increased, the fraction of CHD attributable to diabetes decreased over time, due to attenuation of the association between diabetes and CHD. This may have resulted from changing definitions and awareness of diabetes, improvements in diabetes treatment and control, and/or better primary prevention. Third, there was no evidence that the strength of the association between smoking, systolic blood pressure, or dyslipidemia and CHD changed between eras, nor was there evidence that the proportion of CHD due to these factors changed. This underscores the importance of continued prevention efforts targeting these risk factors.”
Coronary artery disease risk factors
Some risk factors for coronary artery disease are modifiable and some are not. Nevertheless, even with those risk factors that you cannot change, it’s important to work towards managing the modifiable ones in order to further reduce your risk of CAD.
Unmodifiable risk factors for CAD include age and gender, ethnicity, and family history. Modifiable risk factors include smoking status, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, being overweight or obese, and diabetes. When these modifiable risk factors are well managed, you can have greater success in reducing your risk of developing coronary artery disease.
Coronary artery disease prevention and natural remedies
Lifestyle changes play a large role in the development (or prevention) of coronary artery disease. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are the first two preventative steps you can take to lower your risk of coronary artery disease .
Exercise helps keep the heart strong, thus protecting it from damage. Diet is essential to CAD because what you eat contributes to plaque formation in the arteries. Nutrition can also play a role in other ailments that can damage the arteries and heart, affecting cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and diabetes. Eating well and exercising regularly can help control these other factors to lower your risk of coronary artery disease.
Foods you should eat to prevent CAD include plant-based foods, high-fiber foods, nuts, olive oils, and fatty fish. You should avoid trans fats found in baked goods, whole milk, sour cream, fatty meat cuts, foods rich in saturated fats, processed food, fried food, and take-out food.
Other prevention tips include not smoking, minimizing your alcohol intake, and maintaining a healthy weight.
Knowing your risks is also important, and your doctor can help you identify them. If you have a family history of coronary artery disease, your risk is higher, which means you should really take the necessary steps to protect your heart and arteries. Also, if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol, these are other contributing factors that need to be well managed. The good news is, the same steps that can help you reduce your risk of coronary artery disease can work wonders on these conditions as well.
By following the directions of your doctor and incorporating these healthy lifestyle habits into your life, you can lower your risk of coronary artery disease.