Hot flashes after eating or drinking: Causes and treatment tips

Written by Bel Marra Health
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hot flashes after eatingIf you have ever had hot flashes after eating or drinking, you are not alone. This is something that many people experience yet may not fully understand, especially when it comes to the cause. Here, we look at what getting hot flashes after eating could mean and how to get rid of them.

Hot flashes are usually caused by a hormonal imbalance and are common when a woman goes through menopause. In fact, studies show that three out of four menopausal women experience hot flashes. Some people have menopause hot flashes after eating, while others have hot flashes related to endocrinal disorders. The most common condition associated with this is diabetes.

The problem with hot flashes is that they can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, embarrassing. The embarrassment is usually a result of the sweating that a person just can’t control.

What Does a Hot Flash Feel Like

For those who have not experienced sweating after eating or hot flashes during menopause, it can be hard to imagine. While the symptoms do vary from person to person, they typically include a sudden sensation of heat and flushing followed by perspiration. Other signs include trembling, confusion, and general weakness.

Do Hot Flashes Go Away Post Menopause?

One common question many women have is whether hot flashes go away after menopause. The answer varies from person to person. While hot flashes are most common during menopause, they can persist for a few years or more after menopause for some women. However, the frequency and intensity of hot flashes tend to decrease over time.

The duration and severity of post-menopausal hot flashes can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, overall health, and lifestyle choices. Some women may find that their hot flashes gradually diminish and eventually disappear, while others may continue to experience occasional episodes even after menopause. For those experiencing bothersome hot flashes, seeking medical advice can help explore suitable treatment options.

What Causes Hot Flashes After Eating or Drinking?

Sweating after eating a meal has been the subject of much research, yet the exact cause is still a mystery. We do know that hot flashes occur when estrogen decreases in the female body. You could say that this disrupts a woman’s internal thermostat. This is a phenomenon associated with menopause.

Certain foods and drinks or eating a large meal can also bring hot flashes. For instance, hot flashes after eating spicy food are not unusual. Caffeine and alcohol are also known to cause hot flashes. The heat sensation normally occurs in healthy adults only if their blood sugar level drops below 60mg/dl. It is important to know that although there are common triggers when it comes to eating, foods that cause hot flashes can vary drastically from one person to another.

Research indicates that anytime body temperature is elevated, it’s possible for a person to experience a hot flash. Hot foods, for example, can dilate blood vessels and stimulate nerve endings.

Consequently, the body experiences a heightened sense of warmth. Individuals with diabetes may experience hypoglycemia following a meal, leading to the occurrence of hot flashes. We cannot blame everything on a meal though.

In other words, hot flashes after eating and drinking are only part of the possible culprits. Some people experience hot flashes when they are stressed out or are having an allergic reaction. Andropause is another possible cause of hot flashes, but in men. Like menopause, andropause is a hormonal change in men that can trigger hot flashes after eating.

What are the Symptoms of Hot Flashes?

Hot flashes are characterized by a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads over the body, accompanied by redness or flushing of the skin. As the body tries to cool down, sweating can occur, leading to damp clothing and discomfort. Alongside the physical sensations, hot flashes can also cause rapid heartbeat, chills, and a general sense of unease or anxiety.

It’s important to note that not everyone experiences hot flashes in the same way. Some individuals may have mild and infrequent episodes, while others may endure more frequent and severe occurrences. Additionally, the duration of each hot flash can vary from a few seconds to several minutes.

How To Get Rid of Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a common symptom experienced by many, often associated with menopause. They can be triggered by hormonal changes, stress, certain foods, and hot environments. Managing hot flashes involves lifestyle adjustments, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Herbal supplements and other therapies like acupuncture can offer relief. Consultation with a healthcare professional is essential to explore suitable treatments and ensure safety. Let us look at the ways to prevent and manage hot flashes in more detail.

Triggering Factors to avoid that can set off a Hot Flash

While hot flashes are often associated with menopause, they can be triggered by various factors, including certain foods and drinks. Understanding these triggers can help individuals manage and reduce the frequency of hot flashes.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels, such as those experienced during menopause, can trigger hot flashes.

Stress: Emotional or physical stress can trigger hot flashes in some individuals.

Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience hot flashes as part of an allergic reaction to certain foods or substances.

Andropause: In men, hormonal changes during andropause, also known as male menopause, can trigger hot flashes.

Medications: Certain medications, like antidepressants or opioids, may cause hot flashes as a side effect.

Hypoglycemia: A drop in blood sugar levels below normal can lead to hot flashes in some individuals.

Hot Environments: Exposure to warm or humid environments can trigger hot flashes, especially in susceptible individuals.

Foods: Certain foods can act as triggers for hot flashes

Foods and Drinks To Avoid Hot Flashes

A lot of people want to know how to get rid of hot flashes. There is no quick answer, especially since not everyone has the same triggers. Still, the following list can act as a guideline for those who want to avoid foods that cause hot flashes.

  • Spicy foods
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Beef brisket
  • Sugary foods
  • White bread
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Raw or non-homogenized dairy products

It may be obvious why spicy foods and alcohol are on the list, but high-carb foods like white bread and pasta are particularly hard on women who are going through menopause. It can make their symptoms worse and, of course, those symptoms include hot flashes and moodiness. Too much sugar can also further aggravate menopause.

Foods and Drinks To Help Reduce Hot Flashes

So, if there are foods that can cause or aggravate hot flashes, then there must be foods that can help reduce hot flashes. If this is your thinking then you are correct. For instance, studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in vegetables and fresh fruit, can result in a 20 percent less likelihood of getting hot flashes and night sweats.

The following list includes foods that help reduce hot flashes, including some food items that you would find in the Mediterranean diet.

  • Melon, pineapple, mango, and strawberries
  • Nuts
  • Brown rice
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Squash
  • Legumes
  • Lean chicken breast
  • Non-fat skim milk
  • Whole grains
  • Cold water fish
  • Flaxseed

Scientists believe that fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide a good amount of fiber, a nutrient linked to estrogen fluctuations. The theory is that by stabilizing blood levels of the hormone insulin and cortisol, you will not get variability in estrogen. Therefore, you will not get symptoms like hot flashes. The Mediterranean diet, which features fruits, veggies, and whole grains, is considered lower on the glycemic index. That is how it can control blood sugar spikes and menopause-like symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes for Managing Hot Flashes

Aside from dietary adjustments, certain lifestyle changes can help manage hot flashes and improve overall well-being during menopause:

Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help regulate hormones, improve mood, and reduce hot flashes.

Avoiding Tobacco: Smoking and tobacco use can worsen menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, and can have detrimental effects on overall health.

Wearing Loose Cotton Clothing: Wearing breathable and loose-fitting clothing can help minimize discomfort during hot flashes.

Staying Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help maintain body temperature and reduce the intensity of hot flashes.

Managing Stress: Practicing relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, can help manage stress and reduce hot flashes.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can contribute to hormonal balance and alleviate menopause symptoms.

Herbal Supplements Useful for Managing Hot Flashes

Black Cohosh: May help regulate hormonal imbalances that contribute to hot flashes.

Dong Quai: Known as “female ginseng,” it may alleviate hot flashes by balancing hormones.

Evening Primrose Oil: Contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that could reduce inflammation and hormonal fluctuations.

Soy Isoflavones: Phytoestrogens found in soy may help regulate hormones and reduce hot flashes.

Licorice Root: Contains compounds that mimic estrogen’s effects and may alleviate hot flashes.

Red Clover: Contains isoflavones with estrogen-like effects that can help reduce hot flashes.

Always consult a healthcare professional before using herbal supplements to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Other Therapies for Managing Hot Flashes

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): HRT involves taking estrogen and, in some cases, progestin to replace the hormones that decline during menopause. It can effectively reduce hot flashes, but it may not be suitable for everyone due to potential risks and side effects. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine if HRT is appropriate for your situation.

Gabapentin and Pregabalin: These medications, originally used for nerve-related pain, have shown effectiveness in reducing hot flashes, particularly in women who cannot take hormone therapy. They work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain.

Antidepressants: Certain known antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have shown promise in reducing the discomfort of hot flashes. These medications target the neurotransmitters in the brain and can provide assistance to women who are unable to take estrogen. Their efficacy makes them a valuable option for those in need.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine technique, involves inserting thin needles at specific points on the body. Some studies suggest that acupuncture can help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a form of talk therapy that can help manage menopause symptoms, including hot flashes. It focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors related to menopause, leading to improved coping strategies.

Mind-Body Techniques: Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices can help reduce stress and may have a positive impact on hot flashes.

Cooling Techniques: Using cooling products like fans, cooling vests, or gel packs can help provide relief during hot flashes by lowering body temperature.


Hot flashes after eating, drinking, or simply due to menopause can be at the least annoying and at most, terribly uncomfortable. Some people experience severe hot flashes that lead to headaches and dizziness. In these cases, a doctor should be consulted just to rule out any underlying medical problems. For the most part, people have little to be concerned about and come to realize that small lifestyle adjustments can be very helpful in relieving the heat sensations and sweats that are characteristic of hot flashes.

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On any matter relating to your health or well-being, please check with an appropriate health professional. No statement herein is to be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, preventative, or cure for any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Foods and Drugs Administration or Health Canada. Dr. Marchione and the doctors on the Bel Marra Health Editorial Team are compensated by Bel Marra Health for their work in creating content, consulting along with formulating and endorsing products.

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