The Healthy Truth: Preparing your health for fall

Written by Emily Lunardo
Published on

Dear Friends,

The last long-weekend of summer has come and gone, the kids are back at school, and the sun is setting earlier and earlier each night. All of these things have one thing in common: they occur in the fall. With fall rearing its chilly neck around the corner, it’s time you think about your health and how to make a smooth transition from the warm summer days to the cooler fall ones.

Fall, in general, is a time for change, and that goes for your health too. Many of us tend to get sick during this change, others find they start to put on weight, and most of us find ourselves becoming homebodies and not doing as much.

It’s important, though, that you keep health your number one priority during this transition time to reduce your risk of illness, avoid pre-holiday weight gain, and continue to feel your best.

Here you will find easy tips that will ease the transition from summer into fall to ensure your health remains top-notch.

Health tips to transition into fall

Keep on exercising: Although you may feel lazier in the fall because it’s getting colder and darker, it’s important that you still maintain your exercise regime. This will ensure that you avoid putting on that pre-holiday weight and it can be a real mood-booster. You see, many people begin to experience a sadness as the days become shorter, but exercise helps release endorphins that make you feel happier. Sure, you may not be able to exercise outdoors as often as you could in the summer, but now may be the time to join a gym and stick to a serious routine. If you do want to head outdoors, just make sure you are dressing appropriately and aim for timeslots in the day where the sun is out to give you a boost of vitamin D and some of those feel-good rays.

Eat the right foods: It seems that the portions we eat in the colder months become larger. We are opting for big sizes of comfort foods. These foods are often fatty as they are full of butter and creams. Sure, you will feel all warm inside, but these foods aren’t benefitting you in the long run.

The great thing about fall is that there are numerous health foods that become in season during this time of year. These foods include apples, pumpkins, squash, hearty greens like Brussels sprouts, and above all, pomegranates, which are loaded with beneficial antioxidants.

Furthermore, purchasing foods that are in season often mean that they are less modified and contain fewer chemicals, as they are readily available. Try to shop locally and in-season for the best variety of health foods that can keep your waistline trim and your overall health supported.

Boost your immune system: As mentioned, fall is the start of cold and flu season. It seems that during this time of the year, everyone around you is coughing, sneezing, or not showing up to work as they are just too ill. Let’s face it, being sick sucks—try your best to avoid catching what’s going on this year.

You can boost your immune system by ensuring you are getting enough sleep, reducing stress, staying well hydrated, not touching your face—especially if you haven’t washed your hands—frequently washing your hands, avoiding those around you who are sick, eating well, and exercising.

Proper time-management: Believe it or not, keeping up such a busy lifestyle is actually hurting your health by weakening your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Furthermore, you can suffer from mental and physical fatigue too.
As fall starts, you already start to get into holiday mode with Thanksgiving right around the corner, followed by Christmas and then New Years. Yes, it’s a busy time of the year, but if you don’t take time out of it all for yourself, you could experience a serious burnout.

Find useful ways to reduce stress—take a look at your schedule and find ways to simplify it. Maybe changing your work hours, getting a babysitter, or asking friends or family for help are all ways you can try and simplify your life. And once you get into this easier routine, you can enjoy less stress and improved health.

These are just some ways you can prepare yourself for the fall season. You don’t want to be bogged down by illness and stress this fall, so starting to prepare yourself now can ensure you have a healthier fall season.


On any matter relating to your health or well-being, please check with an appropriate health professional. No statement herein is to be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, preventative, or cure for any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Foods and Drugs Administration or Health Canada. Dr. Marchione and the doctors on the Bel Marra Health Editorial Team are compensated by Bel Marra Health for their work in creating content, consulting along with formulating and endorsing products.

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