heart disease

Simple trick boosts heart health

Flu season is here, and as you know, your number one defense against the virus is your annual flu shot. Last year’s flu vaccine was highly effective, but mind you, warmer temperatures of the previous winter kept the flu virus at bay as well. This year, the Farmer’s Almanac is calling for lower temperatures and ...click here to read more

Regulating VLDL cholesterol levels can help prevent heart disease and fatty liver disease

Regulating VLDL cholesterol levels can help prevent heart disease and fatty liver disease. For proper liver function, VLDL cholesterol must be in perfect balance, not too high or too low. In his research, Dr. Shadab Siddiqi set on to find an easier way to regulate VLDL. Dr. Siddiqi uncovered a protein known as Small Valosin-Containing ...click here to read more

5 new guidelines to improve heart health

When it comes to improving heart health, you know the rules: Eat well, exercise, don’t smoke, and maybe enjoy an occasional glass of red wine. While the benefits of the above are undeniable, you can always do more for the benefit of your health – sometimes taking a road less travelled. If you are looking ...click here to read more

Heart disease risk lowered with unsaturated fats and high-quality carbs: Study

Heart disease risk is lowered with unsaturated fats and high-quality carbohydrates. The study found that replacing saturated fats with high-quality carbs had the biggest impact on reducing heart disease risk. No benefit was observed when the researchers replaced saturated fats with highly processed food. Study author and professor of nutrition Frank B. Hu explained, “Many ...click here to read more

Cholesterol levels and heart disease risk may be lowered by eating oats: Study

Cholesterol levels and heart disease risk may be lowered by eating oats. In a review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, the researchers concluded that oat fiber can reduce LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B (apoB), which are all markers of cardiovascular disease risk. Oats are a great source of soluble fiber which is ...click here to read more

Red wine may help lower high blood pressure and protect against heart disease: Study

Red wine may help lower high blood pressure and protect against heart disease in people who exercise. But there’s a catch: The participants in the study were drinking non-alcoholic red wine. The non-alcoholic red wine was shown to improve nitric oxide levels in the men, helping lower blood pressure. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to ...click here to read more

Heart attack, stroke, and heart failure hospitalization risk reduced with flu vaccine in type 2 diabetics

Heart attack, stroke, and heart failure hospitalization risk may be reduced with flu vaccine in type 2 diabetics. Dr. Eszter Vamos and coauthors wrote, “In this large population-based study, influenza vaccination in people with type 2 diabetes was associated with reductions in rates of hospital admission for acute cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and in all-cause ...click here to read more

Stroke, chronic kidney disease risk increases with Southern diet of processed meats, fried foods

Stroke and chronic kidney disease risk increases with Southern-style diet of processed meats and friend foods. The Southern diet is characterized by fried and fatty foods, which by now we know can contribute to poor heart health. Researchers from the University of Alabama examined data from over 17,000 individuals over the age of 45 residing all ...click here to read more

Testosterone may be linked to hardening of blood vessels associated with heart disease: Study

Testosterone may be linked to hardening of blood vessels associated with heart disease. Some men have a greater risk of heart attacks than others, and testosterone may be a contributing factor. The researchers studied testosterone levels in the blood of mice and found that it triggers cells from the blood vessels to produce bone-like deposits. ...click here to read more