bowel movement

Hard stools in adults: Causes and home remedies

Hard stools can be unpleasant to pass and may occur occasionally or for some, chronically. When we eat food, the nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine, which releases liquid and fiber into the large intestine. In the large intestine, then, the stool is formed. As the newly formed stool moves along the large intestine, here to read more

5 tips for healthy digestion

Going to the bathroom may not be your most favorite part of the day, but it’s an important one. Unfortunately, for some of us, having a bowel movement may be a struggle. Bowel movements can be affected by various factors, including diet, exercise, and even posture. Yup, the way you sit on the toilet may here to read more

Why your bowel movements may not be normal

If you suffer from constipation, you probably don’t visit the washroom very often. If you don’t have constipation, or diarrhea for that matter, but visit the bathroom numerous times a day, it that normal? When it comes to bowel movements it’s hard to know for sure what’s normal or not because we’re all different. A here to read more