Weight Loss

Are ‘fitness foods’ making you fat?

Everywhere you look a new fitness food is being touted. Try this now! Eat this to lose weight! Lose weight without exercise! It’s all propaganda so consumers buy more. But not only are consumers wasting their money, they aren’t seeing the results they were promised. We’re continuously bombarded with the “latest and greatest” thing, but ...click here to read more

How fruits can help you burn calories

If you want to promote calorie burning it really has a lot to do with what you eat. Of course while marrying proper diet and exercise together can burn the most calories; you can get a good head start by incorporating calorie-burning fruits into your diet. But how exactly does fruit promote burning calories? Well ...click here to read more

Aspartame vs. Sugar – Is One Any Better?

If you’re focused on weight loss, counting calories may be something that you’re familiar with. In an effort to limit calories, most people cut out fast food and junk food. Many people turn to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame instead of sugar as another way to reduce calories. Which is better – sugar or aspartame? ...click here to read more

Fraudulent Slimming Products Exposed!

There’s no denying that weight loss products boom in the health supplement industry. The market is growing and shows no signs of stopping, with Americans spending an estimated $35 billion each year on weight loss products and programs. In 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 35.7 percent of American adults as ...click here to read more

New Weight Loss Treatment That Isn’t A Diet!

Don’t turn to extreme diets or Lap-Band surgery. Try holistic methods to help you shed those unwanted pounds, such as acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years.  Many people use acupuncture to treat various ailments including chronic pain, migraines and nausea caused by chemotherapy. A study published ...click here to read more

Amanda’s Story: How these simple diet changes transformed my life…

Bel Marra Health’s first sponsored amateur athlete, Amanda Pereira, has been on an incredible health and weight loss journey that has inspired thousands of people to improve their well-being and lifestyle. Growing up as an overweight child and struggling with weight issues her entire life, she shares some of the nutrition and eating tips that ...click here to read more

How to Use Flavor to Lose Weight

If you’re weak for sweet, or can’t say no when presented with salty snacks, than you may blame your insatiable taste buds for your weight gain. But not so fast, friends – your heightened tastes may not be the culprit after all. In fact, you may be able to use your powerful palette to help ...click here to read more

Is Weight Loss Safe for Seniors?

Losing weight is a challenge for most people, but it is even harder for the elderly. Due to reduced bone and muscle mass, as well as a greater risk of nutritional deficiency, doctors often advise the elderly to stay away from intentional weight loss. But, at the same time, studies show that the elderly could ...click here to read more