Weight Loss

Weight loss possible using smaller plates

Research from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab has found that weight loss is easily done with the use of smaller plates. Over the years there have been over 50 studies which study the effects of smaller plates and weight loss and yet there seems to be little consensus if they are an effective means ...click here to read more

Weight loss protects knees, MRI study

MRI studies have revealed that substantial weight loss can significantly lower degeneration of knee cartilage in individuals who are overweight or obese. Obesity is a risk factor for osteoarthritis, a condition where degeneration of joints occurs. The knees are commonly affected by osteoarthritis. Aging baby boomers are not only at a higher risk of being ...click here to read more

Stored fat prevents weight loss

As we accumulate more fat the body produces a protein that inhibits our ability to burn fat – this can make weight loss far more difficult. The findings may better help understand obesity and find ways to promote successful weight loss in those who are obese. The majority of fat cells in the body work ...click here to read more

Is junk food to blame for rising obesity?

We know that obesity is on the rise, but is junk food to blame? It’s easy to blame soda, candy and processed food, but new research suggests our poor diets aren’t necessarily the cause of the obesity epidemic. The findings come from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. The researchers uncovered that the consumption ...click here to read more

Low-fat diets no more effective than other diets: Study

When it comes to weight loss, low-fat diets are often recommended, but new research suggests they are no different than other popular diets. Study lead, Deirdre Tobias, said, “We found that low-fat diets were not more effective than higher-fat diets for long-term weight loss.” The researchers suggest greater weight loss success has more to do ...click here to read more

Counting bites leads to weight loss

BYU health science researchers uncovered that individuals who count their bites they take while eating experience greater weight loss compared to those who don’t. In fact, their study revealed that those who count their bites lose an average of four pounds each month. During the study individuals were asked to count their bites for a ...click here to read more

The one thing for a healthy liver

Liver-mortality has moved its way to being one of the top 12 causes of death within the United States. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has risen to be the most common form of liver disease in the Western world. Previously NAFLD was deemed a benign condition, but as research continues to grow it has been ...click here to read more

Women regain fertility loss from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) by losing weight

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can lead to infertility in women, but research suggests exercise and weight loss can help women regain fertility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine system disorder affecting female fertility and reproduction. Ovaries become enlarged and small collections of fluid build up. An ultrasound will be able to determine if a woman ...click here to read more

Study: Diet soda can make you gain weight

Don’t let the term “diet” in diet soda fool you; diet soda can still lead to weight gain. A new study looked at the dietary habits of over 22,000 Americans and concluded that, to compensate for the drop in calories from a diet beverage, people tend to overeat other food items that often contain more ...click here to read more

What does initial weight loss tell you?

Everyone wants to lose those last five pounds. But keeping the weight off can be hard. Maybe in the past you’ve been successful, but somewhere down the road those pounds snuck back. Losing weight and keeping it off can be difficult, but new research suggests your initial weight loss can determine how successful you will ...click here to read more