viral gastroenteritis

Norovirus vs. gastroenteritis, differences in symptoms, causes, and treatment

Gastroenteritis and norovirus are both referred to as the stomach flu, and yet neither condition has any relation to influenza. Gastroenteritis is an inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Norovirus also affects the gastrointestinal tract, but is caused by consuming contaminated food and water. Gastroenteritis and norovirus share many similarities, and telling each apart is here to read more

Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu) causes, symptoms, treatment, and home remedies

Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu) is an infection of the intestines that causes diarrhea, abdominal cramping, vomiting, and even fever. Viral gastroenteritis is often referred to as the stomach flu and is commonly transmitted by coming into contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water. A healthy person who contracts viral gastroenteritis here to read more