summer illness

Tips to stay safe during hotter temperatures

We are now in the swing of summer, but the rising temperatures can put our health at risk. Dr. Barry Rosenthal, chair of the department of emergency medicine at Winthrop-University Hospital, said, “Although preventable, many heat-related illnesses, including deaths, occur annually. Older adults, infants, and children, and people with chronic medical conditions are particularly susceptible. here to read more

Can beating the summer heat make you sick?

Keeping cool during the warmer months is essential to prevent illnesses such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion. But did you know you can get sick by trying to cool down? Unfortunately it’s true – if you’re cooped up in air conditioned (AC) environments you’re increasing your risk of a summertime cold. Whether you work here to read more

4 Ways you’ll get sick this summer

Illness is most commonly associated with the winter months. As temperatures dip, our immune system seems to take a nose dive. So when summer arrives and the mercury rises, we live more carelessly with minimal fear of getting sick. But just because it’s sunny and warm outside doesn’t mean the threat of illness goes away. here to read more