
Alzheimer’s disease, aging may cause sleep disruptions in elderly due to neuron loss

Sleep issues are common with seniors, and research suggests that not only does aging lead to sleep disruptions in seniors, but Alzheimer’s disease does, too. Lack of sleep can become so overwhelming you might find that you can’t participate in normal activities. Safety becomes an issue – you may be dizzy, light-headed, or find yourself here to read more

High-fat diet causes damage in the brain

Eating a high-fat diet prompts our brain’s immune cells to start consuming the connections between our neurons, according to a new study. When a person is consuming a high-fat diet and becomes obese as a result, the immune cells in the brain, which are normally very active, become sedentary. Their inactivity prompts the microglia to here to read more

Groundbreaking Discovery for Alzheimer’s Patients

Alzheimer’s disease, or AD, is a chronic and debilitating disorder that starts with occasional forgetfulness and eventually progresses into confusion, irritability, severe memory loss, intellectual disturbances, dramatic personality changes and ultimately an inability to function on one’s own. In addition, it reduces one’s lifespan considerably. Even more tragic is the fact that 10% of the here to read more