Lose Weight

Craving Junk Food? Eat This…

Food cravings are often considered as the biggest challenge when one attempts to lose weight.  Cravings are emotions focused on the desire for a food, drink, or chemical that imparts a comforting effect on an individual.  There may thus be cravings for chocolates, donuts, or chips, which are generally considered to be rich in calories ...click here to read more

New Fad – A Banana to Lose Weight?

It appears to be taking the weight loss community by storm,  but with so many different diets and ways to lose weight, many people might consider it just another fad diet. But with a few celebrity endorsements to back the newest weight loss idea, and the general simplicity of it, perhaps it isn’t the worst ...click here to read more

Forget the Gym and Just Eat Less?

It might be easier said than done, but it’s worthy of a mention following some shocking new research. With all of the big gyms and trainers pushing hot, sweaty and time consuming work-outs it really might be some research that is shaking the very foundation of weight loss efforts around the globe. Louisiana State University ...click here to read more

Summer Drinks That Aren’t So Bad for You

While alcohol might not be entirely recommended for anyone trying to lose weight, or who is participating in strict weight loss efforts there is still some good news. Well kind of. Dieticians and healthcare practitioners might not be keen on recommending alcohol of any kind for a whole host of reasons, it is also true ...click here to read more

The New Fragrance Claiming to Make You Thin

Imagine the fresh, aquatic, scent of musk, vanilla, mandarin, grapefruit and bergamot, emanating from your body, and your ability to lose weight magically increasing as a result. “Too good to be true” says the healthy skeptic in you; however the French makers of a new perfume which is being touted for its “pleasant fragrance” and ...click here to read more

Society Dislikes Fat Women – Shocking Study

Obesity is a chronic and serious medical condition and according to many physicians, obesity is not a choice – it is a disease.  We don’t discriminate against people with cancer, arthritis or other health disorders, and we certainly don’t discriminate against people based on their sex, race or handicap and yet society continues to openly ...click here to read more

Obesity and Arthritis: How Are They Connected?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful chronic disease that is mainly characterized by inflammation of the joints.  Several risk factors have been strongly associated with the development of rheumatoid arthritis, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  However, it is also important to understand that there are other factors that may also influence the occurrence of this joint ...click here to read more

By 2030 Almost Half of People Will Be Fat

A healthy lifestyle is often defined by experts as being physically active, consuming a good diet, not smoking and maintaining a healthy weight – by this definition a mere 3 percent of American adults are living a life conducive to good health (Archives of Internal Medicine, 2005). Of the four above factors, maintaining a healthy ...click here to read more

Safe Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

We all know someone who can seemingly eat whatever they want, and never gain a pound. Unfortunately most of us are not so blessed, and the reason for this lies largely in the metabolism. The metabolism involves hormones and enzymes which both convert food into fuel and also determine how efficiently your body burns that ...click here to read more

Sneaky Places Sugar is Hiding

If you’re trying to lose weight you may be keeping track of how many calories you’re consuming. Cutting back carbohydrates, particularly sugar, is one way in which many people cut calories out of their diets in an attempt to lose weight. Many people think that sugar is only found in junk food, however, this is ...click here to read more

Obesity is a True Epidemic

Does your body mass index (BMI) suggest that you need to lose weight or register in a local weight loss program?   For decades, BMI has been regarded as the standard tool in determining the amount of body fat of an individual, based on the ratio of the person’s height and weight.  The BMI of a ...click here to read more

White Bean Extract: Is it for Real?

People’s diets have changed drastically over the past few decades. Diets now consist of high-fat, high-carbohydrate, and calorie packed foods that have added on pounds to millions of people. The change in the diets of has increased obesity levels in this country – approximately 25% of North American adults are obese. It is accepted that ...click here to read more

Could Sitting Down Too Much Kill You?

Does your current job require long hours of sitting at the desk?  Make sure that you get on your feet every two hours and walk around in order to facilitate blood circulation in your legs, which is an essential cardiovascular feature for good health.  A recent study published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine ...click here to read more