interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis treatment may improve with molecular biomarkers: Study

Interstitial cystitis treatment may improve with molecular biomarkers. Senior author of the study Stephen J. Walker said, “We are looking for molecular biomarkers for IC [interstitial cystitis], which basically means we are comparing bladder biopsy tissue from patients with suspected interstitial cystitis to patients without the disease. The goal is to identify factors that will here to read more

Interstitial cystitis diet: Choose foods to prevent IC naturally

An interstitial cystitis diet may be the answer for many people who suffer from interstitial cystitis. Although research into the painful bladder health problem is ongoing, some evidence seems to suggest that in certain situations, food choices can prevent interstitial cystitis symptoms naturally. In other words, without aggressive, conventional drug intervention. Interstitial cystitis or IC here to read more