
4 quick fixes for better digestion

For thousands of years in India they have practiced a style of alternative medicine. It’s translated name means “life” and “science.” The practice uses Ayurvedic medicine and it has helped the Indian people eat well, prevent illness and live a better life. The basis of Ayurvedic medicine is inter-connectedness. It combines the community, the individual’s here to read more

Top 3 Gastrointestinal Problems and Treatments

If you suffer from bloating, gas or indigestion, you’re not alone.  Gastrointestinal issues are a common problem in today’s society.  While the symptoms of gastrointestinal issues may be uncomfortable and embarrassing to talk about, it is essential that you learn what’s going on with your body so that you can manage your symptoms appropriately. This here to read more

Heartburn Drugs – Can They Break Your Hip?

Hip fractures are serious injuries that can result in permanent functional impairment, admission into nursing homes and an increased risk of death. Approximately 300,000 Americans suffer from hip fractures every year and 225,000 (or three-quarters) of hip fracture victims are female. Women are especially prone to fractures because their estrogen levels drop during menopause and here to read more

Foods That Won’t Cause Heartburn

Approximately one third of adults suffer from heartburn and if you’re one of them you know how uncomfortable it can be when you eat a food that triggers an attack.  Making careful food choices is important if you want to keep your stomach problems from disrupting your life. What is Heartburn? Heartburn is often called here to read more

Natural Heartburn Remedies

Acid reflux, or heartburn, can cause a burning sensation in your esophagus after eating. It is often accompanied by indigestion and sometimes by chest pain. Though not a serious condition, heartburn can make you quite uncomfortable. When you have a case of heartburn, stomach acid can back up into your esophagus, causing inflammation. This happens here to read more