heart attack

Cardiac rehabilitation: Healthy lifestyle changes after a heart attack or a heart surgery

Cardiac rehabilitation takes place after a person experiences a heart attack or heart surgery. It is a personalized outpatient program designed to improve the patient’s heart health and reduce their risk of future heart-related complications. Cardiac rehab consists of several phases, such as monitored exercise, nutritional counseling, emotional support, education on lifestyle habits. Cardiac rehabilitation ...click here to read more

Broken heart syndrome mimicking heart attack symptoms, the risk may increase with active marijuana use: Study

According to new research presented to the American Heart Association, active marijuana use has the potential to increase the risk of broken heart syndrome, which can feel like a heart attack. When relationships go sour, people joke that they have a broken heart, but broken heart syndrome is real. Also referred to as stress-induced cardiomyopathy ...click here to read more

Reduce blood pressure in overweight individuals by consuming watermelon both at rest and under stress

A study has shown that blood pressure in overweight individuals can be reduced by consuming watermelon both at rest and under stress. Associate professor Arturo Figueroa explained, “The pressure on the aorta and on the heart decreased after consuming watermelon extract.” The study is based on the notion that more people die of heart-related events ...click here to read more

Heart attack and mortality risk higher with household air pollution: Study

Heart attack and mortality risk higher with household air pollution. You may not associate your home with pollutants, but they may very well be present there, coming from lighting, cooking, or heating with fuels. The study found that burning cleaner fuels such as natural gas was associated with a lower mortality risk. Lead researcher Sumeet ...click here to read more

Heart attack patients of low socioeconomic status, especially women, fare worse

Heart attack patients from a low socioeconomic background fare much worse when it comes to recovery. This is particularly true among poor women and younger individuals. Senior author of the study Dr. Erica Spatz explained, “Our study emphasizes that patients need us to think about their social needs, not just their clinical symptoms. We have ...click here to read more

Heart attack, stroke, and heart failure hospitalization risk reduced with flu vaccine in type 2 diabetics

Heart attack, stroke, and heart failure hospitalization risk may be reduced with flu vaccine in type 2 diabetics. Dr. Eszter Vamos and coauthors wrote, “In this large population-based study, influenza vaccination in people with type 2 diabetes was associated with reductions in rates of hospital admission for acute cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and in all-cause ...click here to read more

Weekly health news roundup: Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, schizophrenia, and heart attack

This weekly health news roundup presents our most recent articles on Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, schizophrenia, and heart attack. This week we found out about an inhaled medication that may improve symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, high cholesterol may contribute to osteoarthritis, age-related macular degeneration risk may be reduced with the Mediterranean diet. We also ...click here to read more