
Taking a selfie makes you happier

The next time you take a picture with your phone, turn the camera around to face you and take a selfie. New findings suggest that selfies can promote happiness. The researchers conducted exercises using smartphone photo technology and assessed participants’ psychological and emotional states. They found that taking daily pictures of one’s self and sending ...click here to read more

Weekly sex leads to greater happiness

Frequent sex is not linked to happiness as much as once weekly, according to the latest findings published by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Lead researcher, Dr. Amy Muise, said, “Although more frequent sex is associated with greater happiness, this link was no longer significant at a frequency of more than once a ...click here to read more

Old age doesn’t lead to greater happiness

It’s often said that those who are older are happier, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Research from the University of Bradford suggests that after the age of 65 there are more depressive symptoms occurring instead of greater happiness. The findings build upon a 15-year project that observed over 2,000 Australian seniors. Previous ...click here to read more

Happiness in adults on the decline

Researchers have found that adults over the age of 30 are not as happy as they used to be. On the other hand, teenagers and young adults are happier than ever. The findings come from San Diego State University professor Dr. Jean M. Twenge and her team. The researchers analyzed data from four nationally representative ...click here to read more

Lift your mood with these healing foods

When I’m stressed or feeling down, I’m quick to turn to chocolate – and I don’t stop at the recommended single high-cocoa dark chocolate square! That’s the trouble with emotional eating. Once you start, it’s hard to just say no more. But there are better ways to get your smile back. The feel-good factor from ...click here to read more

Parents More Likely to Feel Stress and Depression

You have likely heard that married people tend to be healthier and live longer than unmarried people but now experts are saying if you are married with children the scale could tilt the other Depression, Anxiety and Your Children Well-known author and Harvard psychology professor, Daniel Gilbert has gone on record saying parents are less ...click here to read more