
Important Supplements for Exercise

Have you made a decision to lose weight? Have you tried numerous diets? Have you committed to a regular exercise program? Are you in good health but are still unable to shed those unwanted pounds? With your motivation waning, have you wondered if there’s something – anything – else you can do to help you ...click here to read more

Do Good Looks Equal Good Health?

As children, many were taught to never judge a book by its cover. Research, however, suggests otherwise. A number of studies have shown that the foods and other things people consume will eventually begin to show up on the outside, and it’s not just about obesity and lack of exercise. Many studies suggest that what ...click here to read more

Women are in Weight Gain Denial

There’s a dangerous epidemic sneaking up on women across the country, and it’s impact goes largely unnoticed. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas found that women are gaining weight, sometimes rapidly, without noticing it at all. Research showed that women, at an average age of 25, had put on up ...click here to read more

How To End Wintertime Laziness

It’s so easy to be lazy, not continuing your exercise routine during the cold, often torturous, winter months in Canada.  But, it’s not impossible to continue with a regular regimen of exercise.  The two most dangerous conditions to be aware of when exercising in extreme cold temperatures are frostbite and hypothermia.  Read on to learn tips that ...click here to read more