energy drinks

Common drink puts your heart at risk

Apparently, we are all very tired and in dire need of some sort of energy boost all the time. How else can you explain the incredible popularity of coffee shops that seemingly spring up like mushrooms at every intersection, not to mention the mass consumption of energy drinks which can be bought at any convenience here to read more

Avoid this beverage for a healthy heart

Have you ever been so tired that even coffee didn’t give you a pick-me-up, so you reached for an energy drink instead? It may seem harmless to gulp down an energy drink every now and then, just to get through your day, but new warnings from the American Heart Association (AHA) caution against the beverage here to read more

Power foods from your kitchen

We’re a tired population. Most days it would seem that getting out of bed is a job in itself. But where has all the energy gone? Between work, caring for our families and other obligations life throws our way, the best time of the day, often times, is finally returning back to bed. But life here to read more

Toxins in Energy Drinks Under Fire Again

Energy drinks are very popular in North America. Last year sales exceeded 12 billion dollars and the projection 5 years from now is just over 20 billion. This is despite that fact that energy drinks continue to get negative publicity. Energy Drinks – The True Emergency Over the last few years there have been a here to read more

Weight Gain and Other Dangers – Energy Drinks

To the younger population, energy drinks are a lifesaver and this is because these keep them awake during the day and help them to complete any assigned tasks.  Energy drinks first appeared on the market in the 1960’s in Asia and Europe and were later distributed in North America during the 1990’s.  Energy drinks contain here to read more