
This Ingredient Is Hurting Your Digestion

There are many things that can wreak havoc on your digestion including stress, food intolerances and allergies, and underlying medical conditions. But a new study has found a specific ingredient in canned goods could be a possible culprit of indigestion. Canned foods use zinc oxide nanoparticles, as they prevent staining of sulfur-producing foods along with ...click here to read more

10 Natural Antacids to Help With Heartburn & Better Digestion

Nothing can destroy a pleasant dining experience faster than an uncomfortable case of heartburn.  While most people reach for over-the-counter remedies or prescription medications to reduce the discomfort caused by heartburn, these often only offer temporary relief, and chronic use of these drugs can lead to other health problems in the long-term. As a safer ...click here to read more

How long does heartburn last? Quick relief tips

Heartburn is the burning sensation felt in the chest just beneath the sternum (breastbone). It is a discomfort that nearly seven million American experience as part of an associated condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn is sometimes referred to as indigestion, acid regurgitation, or sour stomach. Despite its name, heartburn is not related to ...click here to read more

8 common digestion myths debunked

Talk to anyone you know and they’ll probably have some complaint about their digestion. Whether it’s bloating, an upset stomach, or heartburn, it seems that everyone’s suffering. With a rise in digestive woes, there’s a lot of information that’s circling, but unfortunately, not all of it is true. Below you will find some common digestive ...click here to read more

5 best essential oils for bloating

We all get bloated from time to time. We feel sluggish, are not motivated to do anything, and even have trouble buttoning up our pants because our stomach has grown in size. While uncomfortable, bloating can be the result of any number of things, from the food we eat to hormonal fluctuations of your bodies. ...click here to read more

Improve your digestion with these foods

Digestion is an intricate process that is often taken for granted, but it shouldn’t be. As much as 70 percent of our body’s immune system is found in the digestive tract. It is through the process of digestion that our body receives all the nutrients required for energy, growth, and cell repair—as you can see, ...click here to read more

Do this one thing for better digestion

Eating too much or eating the wrong foods can definitely lead to poor digestion. Not having enough fiber or not drinking enough water, too, can be a cause of sluggish digestion, but have you ever thought of the impact of stress on the well-being of your tummy? Bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea are all annoying ...click here to read more

Menopause effects on digestive system – causes and remedies

Menopause can impact your digestive system, causing problems that weren’t previously there. Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life, characterized by the ending of the menstrual cycle, which means she is no longer fertile. Menopause is often accompanied by symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disruptions, and mood changes. A healthy digestion ...click here to read more

5 tips for healthy digestion

Going to the bathroom may not be your most favorite part of the day, but it’s an important one. Unfortunately, for some of us, having a bowel movement may be a struggle. Bowel movements can be affected by various factors, including diet, exercise, and even posture. Yup, the way you sit on the toilet may ...click here to read more