Blood Pressure

Patterns in blood pressure may predict stroke

A new study suggests that doctors should look at a patient’s blood pressure history as opposed to a single reading as a means to predict the stroke risk. Researcher Dr. Marileen Portegies said, “Our study suggests that looking at someone’s blood pressure over time and whether it increases slowly or steeply may provide additional information here to read more

Heart attack and stroke risk from hypertension reduced by statins, blood pressure drugs, study confirms

Heart attack and stroke risk from hypertension is reduced by statins and blood pressure drugs. Research suggests that combining statins for cholesterol with blood pressure medications reduced the risk of heart disease by 40 percent. The trial, known as HOPE-3, could push doctors to add statins to patient’s blood pressure treatment even if they have here to read more

Higher fat variation of DASH diet lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels, does not raise LDL cholesterol

A higher fat variation of the DASH diet lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels and does not raise LDL cholesterol. The study titled “Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: a randomized controlled trial” compared the effects of substituting full-fat here to read more

Autonomic dysreflexia (hyperreflexia), a spinal cord injury complication, may cause sudden high blood pressure

Autonomic dysreflexia (hyperreflexia), a spinal cord injury complication, may cause sudden high blood pressure. Autonomic dysreflexia is a condition in which the involuntary nervous system overreacts to external and bodily stimuli, causing a spike in blood pressure, rapid heart rate, constriction of peripheral blood vessels, and other changes to bodily functions. Autonomic dysreflexia is commonly here to read more

With a disrupted circadian rhythm, even low-salt diet may increase resting blood pressure, vascular disease risk

If a person’s circadian rhythm is broken, even a low-salt diet may increase resting blood pressure and the risk of vascular disease. There are many factors that can alter or change a person’s circadian rhythm, including disrupted sleep, shift work, aging, and disease. A circadian dysfunction can contribute to high blood pressure, and although a here to read more

Untreated obstructive sleep apnea raises risk of resistant high blood pressure

Untreated obstructive sleep apnea raises the risk of high blood pressure that is resistant to medication. The study involved patients with cardiovascular risk factors or established heart disease and moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea. The participants were prescribed one of three medications to treat hypertension, including a diuretic. The researchers found that resistant elevated here to read more

Do this one thing for healthy blood pressure

Blood pressure is a real concern for many Americans. Whether it’s too low or too high, either end of the spectrum can lead to serious health consequences. Stress is a large factor, which can contribute to your fluctuating blood pressure numbers, and that is why it’s so important to properly manage your stress if you here to read more

Blood pressure drug may aid in Alzheimer’s disease treatment

An FDA-approved blood pressure drug may offer benefits to Alzheimer’s disease treatment by reducing cell damage. The drug – candesartan – may be beneficial in early Alzheimer’s disease treatment, along with other Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). Senior author Juan M. Saavedra said, “Our findings make sense in many ways. Hypertension reduces blood flow throughout the here to read more