bladder health

Simple fixes for too many bathroom trips

If you have an overactive bladder, chances are that you’ve tried drugs and got little to no relief. This is not surprising, as in many cases, they do little or nothing to address the real cause of your overactive bladder. The best way to attend to an overactive bladder is to find out the cause and here to read more

3 signs you may have a bladder problem

Any changes to our bodily functions immediately become causes for concern. Although oftentimes the cause isn’t too serious and can be easily fixed or managed, our body changes could be real indicators of a serious health problem that requires attention. For example, our bladder and urination routine. Our bladder expels excess fluid that we intake, here to read more

6 Easy tips to prevent an overactive bladder

Many changes occur as we age. Hair becomes gray, skin becomes looser, and it seems we frequent the bathroom much more often. Although a leaky, overactive bladder is commonly associated with aging, you don’t have to succumb to your aging bladder. An overactive bladder (OAB) occurs when there is a problem with the bladder’s ability here to read more

Have IBS? Use this Roadmap for Travel Success

Traveling can be a lot of fun; it allows us to meet new and interesting people, experience different cultures, and in some cases enjoy delicious new cuisines. However, if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) traveling can be challenging. Many people with intestinal disorders avoid trains, planes, buses, and car travel out of fear they here to read more

What Affects Your Risk of UTI

One in five women will have at least one UTI, also referred to as a bladder infection, in her lifetime. Close to 20 percent of women who have a UTI will have another, and 30 percent of those will have yet another. Beyond this point, statistics show that there is a group of women who here to read more