asthma symptoms

Asthma symptoms worsen in the springtime, summer

Blooming flowers may be a beautiful sight, but for asthma sufferers the springtime can mark worsened symptoms. Being aware of your triggers and risk factors can help you reduce asthma symptoms and allow you to enjoy the warmer weather. Dr. Linda Rogers, director of the clinical asthma program at Mount Sinai-National Jewish Health Respiratory Institute, here to read more

Stress and anxiety triggers asthma symptoms

In teens, stress and anxiety has been found to trigger asthma symptoms, such as awakening throughout the night with shortness of breath. The small study consisted of 38 asthmatic teenagers whose stress and anxiety scores were found to be higher than the general population. Study lead author Cathryn Luria said, “Because these patients may be here to read more

30 minutes a day of exercise improves asthma symptoms

Research from Concordia University in Montreal unveiled that 30 minutes a day of exercise can improve asthma symptoms. Millions of individuals suffer from asthma, and reports show many of them do not have proper control of it. Daily, year-round exercise can offer better control of symptoms for asthma sufferers. Asthma is a respiratory condition that here to read more