
MRSA staph infections could be effectively treated with antimicrobials

MRSA staph infections could be effectively treated with antimicrobials. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a staph bacteria that has become resistant to many antibiotics commonly used to treat staph infections. MRSA infections commonly occur in individuals who have been in hospitals or other health care facilities. This type of infection is associated here to read more

Antibiotics and honey: Powerful combination protects against epidemics

We know antibiotics are advantageous and honey has been a traditional natural remedy for centuries. Used separately, these gifts from modern and traditional medicine have proven their worth over and over again. Before we investigate their combined potential, there is something else you should know. I’ve seen enough end-of-the-world movies to know that we could here to read more

Unwanted Ingredient Lurking In Your Organic Chicken

Did you know that inside industrial hatcheries, eggs are routinely injected with small amounts of an antibiotic used to treat a myriad of bacterial infections? Well, the practice is allowed in organic production, too, and could lead to the occurrence of superbugs in the future, according to a new Consumer Reports study republished in Mothers here to read more

Most Antibiotics Prescribed for This Common Ailment Are Useless – And Even Harmful

Not only are we getting a daily dose of antibiotics at dinner time when we eat meat or dairy products, but we are also commonly bombarded by them in soaps, hand sanitizers, cleaning products, and through countless prescriptions that we receive from the doctor, often for only minor health issues. This has contributed to the scary rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of common here to read more

Take THIS To Reduce the Dangerous Side-Effects of Antibiotics

Probiotics have gained widespread popularity over the past decade, and deservedly so. The benefits of probiotics are far reaching – they have been found to help boost immunity, treat digestive issues, allergies and skin disorders, and reduce cholesterol levels, depression and anxiety. Probiotics are also an ideal adjunct to antibiotic therapy, and researchers at the here to read more

For a Clean Bill of Health – Eat Dirt

Now more than ever, we are obsessed with ‘cleanliness’. Although cleanliness is traditionally thought to be a healthy attribute, modern medicine is now beginning to change it’s tune with the “Hygiene Hypothesis.” The Hygiene Hypothesis not only claims that a bit of dirt could be good for you, but also raises concerns that all these here to read more

Why Seniors are Being Overprescribed Antibiotics

Antibiotics are generally prescribed for patients who are suffering from bacterial infections.  These drugs are designed to either immobilize or kill the bacteria that have invaded the body, thus allowing the immune system to produce antibodies and macrophages to eradicate these foreign microbes.  Antibiotics have been long been used for the treatment of a wide here to read more