Search Results for: weight loss


The one thing helps you look and feel younger

There is a natural decline that occurs with aging that can make you feel older than you are. You may be weaker, unsteady, and your ability to perform simple tasks becomes hindered. It is well known that muscle loss is a common problem with aging, so taking the necessary steps to prevent muscle loss is here to read more

Are you at risk for this serious bladder problem?

Many changes occur to our bladder as we age and the most common is overactive bladder (OAB). An overactive bladder can be quite troublesome as it consists of sudden, immediate urges to use the bathroom and even involuntary loss of urine – incontinence. But less commonly discussed is an underactive bladder (UAB), which can pose here to read more

5 tips to build stronger muscles

Building and maintaining muscle in old age is important, as it keeps seniors strong, independent, and prevents the risk of falls and injury. Unfortunately, many seniors waste away as they live sedentary lifestyles. Of course, regular exercise is important to building muscle, but diet plays a large role too. The problem is that seniors tend here to read more

Types of mood disorders

How is your mood? Would you say you’re feeling happy? Or are you sad, angry or even indifferent? The events currently going on in your life can have a large impact on your mood. If you just received good news you’ll probably be feeling happy or excited. If you just experienced a loss you may here to read more

Simple lifestyle changes that add years to your life

When it comes to living a long life, the rules are quite simple. Researchers suggest that it takes three main things and lifestyle habits to promote a long life. These include not smoking, watching your weight, and continuously learning new things. The researchers also suggest that our genes play a role, too, when it comes here to read more

Ketonuria: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Ketonuria is a medical condition characterized by ketones in the urine. These are water-soluble molecules that are produced by the liver from the breakdown of fatty acids. Finding ketonuria in a patient indicates to physicians that the body is using an alternative source of energy, a common occurrence during starvation or in improperly managed type here to read more

Creaky knees: Causes, treatment, and exercises

Creaky knees are often described as a crunchy sound emanated when you bend at the knee joints. Sometimes, your knees may look puffy or swollen but it doesn’t present with pain. Our knees are used practically every day during movements like walking, running, jumping, and climbing. The more we bend our knees, the more we here to read more


What causes burning back pain?

Having the sensation of burning back pain can be very annoying and quite debilitating. There are many reasons why back pain develops, and the nature of the pain can be an important clue for physicians seeking a diagnosis. While back pain symptoms vary from patient to patient, having a back pain burning sensation is often here to read more
