Search Results for: flu


Gallstones Home Remedies and Diet Plan

Gallstones are solid crystalized deposits that form from cholesterol and bile pigments in the gallbladder. There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones. Cholesterol gallstones account for 80 percent of gallstones and are usually yellow-green in color. Pigment gallstones are small, dark, and made up of bilirubin. Gallstones affect approximately 20 percent of women over here to read more

Ulcerative Colitis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

While ulcerative colitis is not caused by any specific diet, research shows that certain foods trigger symptoms so for this reason an ulcerative colitis diet has emerged. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you won’t be able to cure it by here to read more

Simple Trick Helps Boosts Libido

To boost testosterone levels, there are many things you can do, from changes in your diet to even using patches or gels. But if you want a quick boost, all you have to do is think and believe you are the best. It sounds strange, but the latest research findings uncovered that believing you’ve ‘won’ here to read more

If You Have High Blood Pressure, You’re at Risk for This

Having high blood pressure – hypertension – is often linked with a future cardiovascular event. Your blood pressure reading is based on two measurements: blood leaving the heart (systolic blood pressure) and blood returning to the heart (diastolic blood pressure). Also read: What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure? A blood pressure reading of 140/90 here to read more

What Are the Yoga Poses for Depression?

Over the last few decades, a number of studies have concluded that yoga is a useful treatment for some diseases. Now, more evidence seems to suggest that yoga can be effective for treating depression. Several medical and scientific studies on yoga indicate that conditions including osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, drug addiction, and mental health here to read more


Glaucoma: Natural home remedies and diet

Glaucoma, a condition that affects the eyes, can be quite serious and even result in blindness. The older you become, the more prone you are to developing glaucoma. Glaucoma patients typically range between 45 and 64 years of age. Glaucoma can strike without warning and without symptoms. There is no cure for glaucoma, so it’s here to read more

Stomach gurgling causes, symptoms, and home remedies

Stomach gurgling is a sound that can spring up at any moment – sometimes causing embarrassment. Stomach gurgling is often associated with digestion, but sometimes they could indicate something more serious. It’s important to recognize when your stomach gurgles and how often to help you narrow in on the possible cause. Here we will outline here to read more

8 Health Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Even though incontinence is so widely experienced, it still remains a silent conversation – a lot of people are suffering from bladder leaks in silence. When ailments are not discussed openly, it leaves room for myths to travel from person to person. But many times, believing such myths could be causing you more harm than here to read more
