Search Results for: smoking


Red bloodshot eyes: Causes and cures

Bloodshot eyes may be concerning to see in the mirror and could lead you to believe that your red eyes are due to an infection or something serious. However, while there are some serious conditions associated with red eyes, it is a common condition that can usually be explained. Read on to find out what here to read more

Chest pain that comes and goes for days

Experiencing any sort of chest pain can be worrisome, and this is especially true of chest pain that comes and goes. You may think it was just a passing discomfort that has been resolved, but the pain returns and reignites your worry that something could be seriously wrong. What causes chest pain that comes and here to read more

Delicious smoothie helps lower blood pressure

What if lowering your blood pressure was super-delicious? Well, it could be! In fact, it could be as easy as blending the right fruits into a smoothie! High blood pressure is a reading over 140/90 mm Hg, but even if you’re over 120 you are considered to have prehypertension which, if not controlled, can send here to read more

This one things cuts your risk of death by 46%

Wouldn’t it be great if we could live forever? Although science is finding ways to prolong life one day at a time, we have still a long way to go when it comes to immortality. We can’t live forever (yet), but the ongoing scientific research is constantly uncovering factors that can prolong or shorten our here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the joints instead of foreign bodies like germs and bacteria, creating inflammation. Approximately 1.5 million Americans have RA, and women are three times more likely to develop it than men. Continue reading to learn more about rheumatoid arthritis, including symptoms, treatments, and risk here to read more


This one thing is protecting your bones

Hip fractures are a common occurrence in older adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that over 300,000 Americans are hospitalized annually as a result of a hip fracture. Seniors and postmenopausal women are particularly prone to fractures, as their bones are frailer due to loss of bone density. Experiencing a hip fracture, here to read more

Are you safe from America’s #1 killer?

The heart is the most vulnerable organ in the body, so it comes as no surprise that heart disease still remains the number one cause of death in America. Even though cardiovascular events are, in many cases, preventable, the matters of the heart are among top health concerns worldwide, affecting not just the elderly, but here to read more

Is your vision at risk?

As you’re aging, your risk of developing various health conditions rises, but your eyes and vision are particularly vulnerable to age-related changes. You are probably wearing glasses, although you never needed them before. Or, maybe, your prescription for glasses becomes stronger and stronger after each eye exam. Aside from impaired vision, there are other eye here to read more
