Search Results for: calories


Are Americans eating too much protein?

Our diet requires a few simple things: Fat, carbohydrates and protein. In a perfect balance you’ll feel great, energized and receive all the essential vitamins and minerals. But when we don’t eat in balance, having too much protein for example, is when our bodies can go awry. Protein, found in many food groups and high here to read more

Fitness tip: Best exercises for women

Need energy to get through your day? Women everywhere can relate, whether they’re working long hours at the office or taking care of the kids at home on the domestic front – or both! Life is complicated, challenging and, well, just plain exhausting sometimes. What to do for energy, stamina and to keep your immune here to read more

Stevia: New sugar cube on the block

With all the health issues that sugar may bring, finding a safe alternative – or avoiding it altogether – is necessary. It seems we all have a sweet tooth to some degree, but no one wants to develop diabetes, gain weight or have other health concerns. There are artificial sweeteners on the market but those, here to read more

Boomer health care: Healthy living tips after 60

Growing older in America isn’t what it used to be. For aging baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964 during the post-Second World War baby boom, they’re working into their late 60s and 70s – long past the customary retirement age. The question is: What does this mean for boomer health issues? Data from here to read more

Why Mom really does know best…

Growing up, our mothers taught us a lot. They were our teachers, our friends and sometimes even our doctors. Mothers always seemed to have the perfect advice and tips when it came to keeping us healthy – although we weren’t always the best listeners! With Mother’s Day just around the corner, let’s pay tribute to here to read more


Sitting at work deadlier than smoking!

During the day, you’re planted in front of a computer screen and when you finally get home you melt into your couch. Not much room for moving around is there? Sitting has become an epidemic – and sitting is killing you. Sitting at work is the new smoking; both can negatively impact your health. Sadly here to read more

Natural healing for thyroid disorders

Noticing how tired you are, the extra weight you’ve put on for no apparent reason, and your hair seems thin and dry? These are just a few of the many problems a slowdown in the output of the thyroid gland can cause. The older you get, especially for women, the more likely you are to here to read more

Power foods from your kitchen

We’re a tired population. Most days it would seem that getting out of bed is a job in itself. But where has all the energy gone? Between work, caring for our families and other obligations life throws our way, the best time of the day, often times, is finally returning back to bed. But life here to read more

Natural remedies for a healthy heart

Preventing heart diseases should be America’s top concern when it comes to our health. That doesn’t mean turning to medication for a magic fix, but looking at natural remedies for a healthy heart. And that comes down to lifestyle, making good choices and developing the right habits. Because in America, coronary heart disease has become here to read more
