Search Results for: flu


Researchers Identify Life-Shortening Behaviors

Are there certain behaviors that can shorten your life? Of course there are. But what are they? Activity levels and diet are often discussed, but they aren’t the only things that can influence mortality risk. New research points to a major factor that contributes to the likelihood of an early death: stress. Although it isn’t here to read more

5 Things to Do Now to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

Alzheimer’s is one of the most pressing health conditions of our time. As many as five million Americans are living with the condition, and the risk goes up with age. With an aging population, it stands as a significant strain on individuals, families, and the healthcare system. There is plenty of data, however, that suggests here to read more


Vitamin K May Add Longevity by Keeping Veins Healthy

New research has found that vitamin K, a fat-soluble nutrient found in leafy greens and some vegetable oils, may promote longevity by encouraging vein health. Vitamin K doesn’t get too much shine. That’s largely because you’re always being reminded to eat your leafy greens. It’s abundant in greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce, so if here to read more

Cooked Tomatoes May Build Prostate Health

Are you familiar with the term bioavailability? Do you know how it helps with your prostate health? If not, don’t worry. I’ll let you in on what it means and why it plays a major role in the health value of your favorite foods and your risk of illness. In short, bioavailability describes how well here to read more

Building a Future of Good Health

What is anti-aging? I mean, really. Is it about how you look on the outside or how you feel on the inside? It’s a bit of both. Healthy aging is about getting older without disease or disability. It’s about maintaining a high level of cognitive and physical function and actively engaging with life. Healthy aging, here to read more

Why You Need Enough Vitamin D

Unless you’re living in a tropical climate and spend a lot of time outdoors or proactively take a supplement, there is a good chance you’re not getting enough vitamin D. If you’ve been following COVID-19 stay at home orders, you, like close to half of North Americans, are probably getting insufficient vitamin D. And that here to read more

Boosting Your Immune System

COVID-19 has increased people’s desire to learn how they can stay healthy. And although there are certain measures that can reduce risk—like handwashing, good hygiene, masks, etc.—people want more. There is currently no treatment or cure for this virus. But there is evidence that immunocompromised people bear the highest risk. This is not just the here to read more
