Search Results for: smoking


Stable angina causes, symptoms, and treatment

Stable angina is a type of angina, and angina is the reduction of blood flow to the heart. If your heart does not receive enough blood, that also means it does not receive enough oxygen. Angina often causes pain and can be triggered by emotional or physical stress. The most common form of angina, stable here to read more

This Habit Is Putting Your Liver at Risk

E-cigarettes have grown in popularity as a “safer” alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. There is still much we don’t know about the actual safety and risks that e-cigarettes present, but some new findings suggest that when it comes to your liver, e-cigarettes pose a real threat. Lead author Theodore C. Friedman explained, “The popularity of here to read more

This Popular Beverage Is Hurting Your Heart

If you enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage, there isn’t anything wrong with that. But if your drinking is regular, you may be hurting your heart. A new study suggests that the more alcohol you consume, the faster your heart beats. It is known that binge drinking is associated with atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat). The earliest here to read more

The Surprising Factor That Affects Your Vision

If you’re concerned about your vision as you age, there is one thing you can do to keep it as healthy as possible. Sure, eating well, exercise, not smoking, and regular eye exams all work to help you maintain your vision, but this one thing that researchers uncovered that can protect your vision will surprise here to read more

This Habit Is Putting Your Veins at Risk

Smoking is bad. You know this, I know this, the entire world knows this. And yet, each year over seven million people die as a result of their smoking habit. Smoking is bad for all areas of health. This article will highlight the specific dangers that smoking has on your vascular system, which includes your here to read more

Thrombosis vs. Embolism: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Thrombosis and embolisms are different conditions, but they’re both characterized by a blood clot. Thrombosis happens when a thrombus, or blood clot, forms in a blood vessel. As a result, blood flow through the vessel is reduced. With an embolism, a piece of a blood clot (embolus), foreign object, or other bodily substance becomes lodged here to read more

How old is your heart?

A study from Public Health England found that one in 10 men over the age of 50 have a heart that is 10 years older than their actual age. In the U.S., one in three deaths is attributed to cardiovascular disease. Every 40 seconds, one American dies as a result of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease here to read more


Where You Live Could Be Hurting Your Bones

Risk factors for osteoporosis include being a female, being over the age of 50, smoking, caffeine intake, lack of exercise, a diet lacking vitamin D and calcium, and consuming alcohol. But did you know where you live could also play a role in your risk of osteoporosis? If you live in a busy city, you here to read more

Stop Making These Heart Health Mistakes

As a person ages, their risk of heart disease increases. There are several different factors that increase a person’s risk of heart disease, while other factors lower a person’s risk. The biggest drivers of heart disease are diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which many Americans currently live with. A good way to lower here to read more
