Search Results for: Health


How to Protect Yourself from Inflamm-aging

At every given moment, there are all kinds of things happening in your body that you have no idea are going on. Some are good, others are bad, and some are both. Inflammation is both. When you get sick or hurt yourself, inflammation helps you heal. You know it’s happening. Sometimes, people develop chronic inflammatory here to read more

Had A UTI? How to Reduce the Risk of a Repeat

Look, there’s no way around it: women have a high risk for UTI. And once you’ve had one, there’s a decent chance you’ll get another. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is no fun. It’s irritating, painful, stressful, and a big knock on quality of life. If you’ve been through one—and 60 percent of women will here to read more

Fruit May Help You Fight Back against Diverticulitis

New research is showing that fiber—but not all fiber—may prevent or tame a painful gastrointestinal condition suffered by more than 50 percent of women. Published recently in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, a study found that women who consumed more fiber-rich fruits and cereals had a reduced chance of developing diverticulitis, a common and painful here to read more

Your Eyes Might Reveal Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Study

New research shows how your eyes could be the window into seeing your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Since Alzheimer’s disease begins to alter and damage the brain many years before symptoms appear, early detection is often extremely difficult. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. It causes a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral, and social here to read more


Quick Ways to Get Rid of That Pain in Your Neck

Is your spouse bothering you non-stop? If they are, my condolences; I wish I could help. But that’s not the kind of neck pain we’re dealing with here. We’re talking about that stiffness or pain that hits when you’re stuck in traffic, enjoying your favorite television show, or have been hunched over at your desk. here to read more

How Stress Might Be Contributing to Weight Gain

Eat right, exercise, and you’ll lose weight, right? Perhaps. But diet is only part of the equation. Sometimes there is more than meets that eye when it comes to body fat, weight gain, and the health risks associated with an expanding waistline. Stress can play a significant role in what you eat, how you eat, here to read more

Spending Time with Grandkids May Increase Longevity

If you’ve got grandkids, it could do some good to take part in their lives. A solid relationship with grandchildren appears to increase health and longevity. Your children may have pointed out that since you became a grandparent, there’s been a twinkle in your eye that they certainly did not see growing up. That might here to read more
