Search Results for: menopause


Risk of early death goes up because of this

When we talk about women’s health, we almost inevitably touch upon the subject of menopause. Although many women may be relieved they don’t have to experience their monthly period any longer, menopause comes with its own set of unpleasant symptoms, too. And hot flashes, night sweats, and hormonal fluctuations aside, menopause is also believed to here to read more


Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome can be improved with vitamin B12 and folic acid: Study

New research suggests that fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome) can be improved through therapy based on vitamin B12 and folic acid. Myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME, has some of the same characteristics as fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is best described as chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain. However, it also involves fatigue, stiffness, and numbness here to read more

6 tips for women to achieve a stronger heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women, but fortunately, there are many preventative measures one can take in order to reduce the risk. The FDA cardiologist Dr. Shari Targum said in a news release, “The risk of heart disease increases for everyone as they age. For women, the risk goes up here to read more
