Search Results for: Health


Movement May Help Reduce the Risk for Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea can play a significant role in a person’s life. Aside from robbing sleep and leading to fatigue, grogginess, and a cloudy brain, it can influence heart and brain health. It’s caused by a lack of oxygen during sleep that leads to “micro-awakenings” every night. Sufferers don’t always realize that they are being here to read more

Cases of Deadly Liver Disease Are on the Rise

Most people associate liver disease with alcoholism or hepatitis. In the past, that may have applied. These days, however, obesity is the primary driver of liver disease. And it’s killing people. Advanced fatty liver disease, which is brought on by excessive fat levels in the liver, can boost a person’s risk of dying by seven here to read more

The Food Group with Undeniable Benefits for Bones

Kids are often instructed to drink cow’s milk to develop strong muscles and healthy bones. Adults should be following the same advice—especially older ones. New research shows that the simple step of serving more dairy to people in nursing homes effectively lowers the rate of falls and fractures. People living in these settings often consume here to read more


New Study Reveals Lack of Sleep Affects Your Walk

A new study has found a relationship between how walking patterns can be affected by lack of sleep. More importantly, the research found that even a few extra hours on weekends could help reduce fatigue-induced clumsiness. Previous research has shown how sleep can affect cognitive tasks, such as holding a conversation, solving math problems, and here to read more

Is Autumn the Best Season for Your Eyes?

There’s no doubt that autumn can be easy on the eyes. The colorful leaves, festive decorations, and seasonal costumes can all add some appeal that makes the season special. But the benefits might not stop there. Seasonal foods that grow in many parts of North America may be some of the best you can get here to read more

Mushrooms May Reduce the Symptoms of Depression: Study

According to a new study, depression symptoms may be reduced by the consumption of various mushroom varieties. The research led by Penn State College of Medicine adds to the mounting evidence showing the health advantages of the superfood. For the study, researchers used diet and mental health data that was previously collected from more than here to read more

What Can You Do About Your Knee Pain?

The knees, the knees. The knees may have little competition when it comes to the most at-risk joint. Ankles may be slightly more prone to injury, but they always seem way easier to deal with. Perhaps because sore knees hurt more, or the potential for surgery looms large. Even slight pain in the knees can here to read more
