Search Results for: brain


Urinary retention causes, symptoms, and treatment

Urinary retention is the inability to fully empty your bladder. This condition can either be acute (temporary), or chronic – in which case it is something you must deal with for life. Albeit short-lived, acute urinary retention may be indicative of a life-threatening condition, so it does require immediate medical attention. Patients with chronic urinary here to read more

Natural home remedies for tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition that causes constant ringing, buzzing, and humming in the ears even in the absence of an external sound. Finding the exact cause might be difficult, but there are many home remedies for tinnitus (ringing in ear) management. The symptoms can go on and on, negatively impacting one’s quality of life, hindering here to read more

Cataracts, epilepsy, and antidepressant use linked to glutamate receptor proteins in eyes: Study

Cataracts, epilepsy, and antidepressant use linked to glutamate receptor proteins in the eyes. Corresponding author Peter Frederikse said, “Recent studies identified associations between increased cataracts and epilepsy, and showed increased cataract prevalence with use of antiepileptic drugs as well as some common antidepressants. One common theme linking these observations is that our research showed the here to read more


High-cholesterol foods harmful for your health

High cholesterol is a serious problem as it can increase one’s risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. The good news is, knowing which foods to eat and which foods to avoid, you can manage your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is produced by the body and is also found in the foods we eat. Consuming here to read more

What 5 popular food cravings really mean

Every now and then we get this moment when all we can think of is a certain food we are dying to have – right now. Maybe, it’s something sweet like chocolate, or something salty like pretzels. Cravings can come and go sporadically, but we never really take the time to think about what they here to read more
