Search Results for: smoking


Hearing loss in elderly linked to early death

New research suggests hearing loss in seniors is linked with earlier death. The study included 1,700 participants over the age of 70, and the research team found those with hearing loss increased their risk of death by 21 to 39 percent. Experts do caution that the study does not suggest hearing loss shortens a person’s here to read more

Why you won’t benefit from new cholesterol-lowering drugs

Cholesterol is on everybody’s mind, but there are many misconceptions around it. To start, there are two types of cholesterol – good and bad. Bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), creates plaque buildup along the artery walls which can contribute to cardiovascular problems. Good cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein (HDL), carries away LDL to keep our here to read more


Do these 7 things to live life without pain

Throughout the course of our lives we have all experienced pain. Whether due to injury or illness, we all have felt pain. But shocking numbers now reveal that over 25 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Of the 25 million, nearly 14 million reported experiencing severe pain in association with poor health and disability. The here to read more

Special report on e-cigarettes issued

A special report has been released on e-cigarettes from Nicotine and Tobacco Research which includes 12 original investigations, one brief report and three letters. The report covered topics pertaining to market trends in U.S. retail, the use of e-cigarettes among younger individuals, chemical composition of e-cigarettes and much more. In the editorial part of the here to read more
