Your declining vision could signal a serious health problem

Your declining vision could signal a serious health problemWhen our vision starts to go, it’s easy to think that it is merely our eyes getting older. But did you know that our declining vision could be a result of a very serious health condition? In many cases, changes in the vision actually mean a cry for help from another part of the body, indicating a more serious problem. This is because every part of our body is connected and it is actually very rare that a problem exists in isolation, meaning it often stems from another problem elsewhere.

The eyes are connected to the central nervous system and everything else, so if you want insight into how your overall health is doing, you may need to see your eye doctor first.


Below you will uncover six possible causes for changes in your vision which may prompt you to see your doctor.

6 reasons for changes in vision

High cholesterol: If it seems as if a curtain has been draped over your eyes, this could be a sign of high cholesterol. When cholesterol clogs an artery, oxygenated blood can’t travel to your eyes and can’t nourish it. Your eye may feel painful and you may also notice a grey circle around your cornea if your vision problems are a result of high cholesterol. (Miracle fruit lowers cholesterol in 30 days.)

Thyroid problems: Your thyroid is responsible for the production and release of hormones, but when your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, your eyes can appear swollen or as if they are bulging out of their sockets. Some patients can experience double vision. Changes in eye appearance should prompt you to seek out medical attention and have your thyroid function checked.

Diabetes: If you are at risk for diabetes or if you are already diagnosed, regular checkups with your eye doctor can ensure you don’t lose your vision as a result of your condition. This is because changes in glucose levels can cause damage to the tiny vessels connecting to the eye. When damage occurs, it can lead to glaucoma or cataracts, and even vision loss.
Stroke: If your vision suddenly disappears, it can be a sign of a stroke. Vision loss as a result of a stroke mainly occurs in one eye, but can occur in both. (This secret ingredient makes your heart healthier.)

Retinal migraines: Temporary blindness can be a result of a retinal migraine. The blind spots only last for a few minutes and may (or may not be) accompanied by pain. You may also see flashes of light or blurry vision. If you experience a headache before or after changes to your vision, speak to your doctor, especially if this is a frequent occurrence.

Autoimmune disease: Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease where the muscles around the eye weaken, making it difficult for the eyes to open all the way, so they appear droopy. Other autoimmune diseases such lupus, multiple sclerosis, and certain types of arthritis can impact vision, too.


As you can see, changes in your vision may actually be a symptom of another condition which you may not have known you had. Going for regular eye exams can help you detect any of these problems early on to ensure a timely treatment and reduce the risk of complications such as losing your vision completely.

If you’re experiencing changes in your vision, don’t simply rule it out as a normal part of aging. It could end up being a treatable condition, and you could get your vision back.

Related: Natural remedy helps improve your vision


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