Articles Related To Weight Management.



Category Archives: Weight Management

Addicted To Diet Soda? EU Food Safety Body Says No New Risk From Aspartame

Over the years, aspartame has been the center of much controversy, with some firmly convinced that consumption of aspartame in the diet is responsible for health conditions such as cancer and premature births. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently conducted a comprehensive risk assessment and found that consumption of aspartame at moderate levels here to read more

Why Your Arthritis Gets Worse After Christmas

When it comes to joint stiffness, most people with arthritis have come to dread the winter months. The pain, swelling and stiffness often get worse, and doctors report more patient complaints during the season. Winter’s official first day is Dec. 21, making Christmas a flag day for the long stretch of painful arthritis to come. here to read more


Amanda’s Story: How these simple diet changes transformed my life…

Bel Marra Health’s first sponsored amateur athlete, Amanda Pereira, has been on an incredible health and weight loss journey that has inspired thousands of people to improve their well-being and lifestyle. Growing up as an overweight child and struggling with weight issues her entire life, she shares some of the nutrition and eating tips that here to read more

How to Use Flavor to Lose Weight

If you’re weak for sweet, or can’t say no when presented with salty snacks, than you may blame your insatiable taste buds for your weight gain. But not so fast, friends – your heightened tastes may not be the culprit after all. In fact, you may be able to use your powerful palette to help here to read more