
Category Archives: Heart Health

Five Fruits to Eat for Healthier Cholesterol

It’s no surprise that cholesterol levels are heavily linked with what you eat. Eating a diet high in trans fats, saturated fat, and sugar will contribute to higher levels of LDL cholesterol – the bad kind. On the other hand, eating high fiber foods can help remove cholesterol from the body. Fiber can be found here to read more


This Health Test Could Protect Your Heart

If you’re over the age of 50, you have probably undergone a bone density test to detect early signs of osteoporosis. Well, that same bone test may also be useful in detecting heart disease. The researchers of the study examined bone density scans from over 1,000 women who were followed for 15 years. They found here to read more

E-Cigarettes Increase Systolic Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Study

A new study has compared the risk of e-cigarettes on cardiovascular disease with the risk caused by traditional cigarettes. The researchers also compared the effects of e-cigarettes with nicotine versus those that are nicotine-free. The participants were separated into experimental groups of either smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or nicotine-free e-cigarettes. The researchers took vitals from the here to read more

10 Signs of Clogged Arteries You Need to Know

A build-up of cholesterol can cause your arteries to become clogged. When this occurs, there is a much higher risk for a cardiovascular event to occur. But often times, a person may live with clogged arteries without any signs or symptoms until something more serious occurs. Your body will reveal very subtle signs that your here to read more

This Condition Could Double Your Risk of Heart Disease

A study has found that having symptoms of erectile dysfunction could be an early sign of impending heart disease. Common risk factors for heart disease among men include smoking, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and being overweight. These are the same risk factors of erectile dysfunction that shed light on the condition. If a man is suffering here to read more

Simple Trick Adds Years to Your Life

New research findings suggest that the simplest way to add years to your life is by picking up the pace when you walk. The study found that a walking pace of three to 4.3 miles per hour reduced the risk of early death by 20 percent over the course of 15 years. The researcher’s main here to read more

Should You Take a Multivitamin?

Many Americans take a multivitamin to ensure they obtain the recommended dosages of many different vitamins. The theory is that by taking a multivitamin, you can support good health because you’re taking in several different vitamins all at once. Unfortunately, you may want to reconsider picking up another bottle of multivitamins once you’re done your here to read more